
The Importance Of Emphasizing Mental Health

As human beings operating in society, it is our responsibility and our duty to ensure that we are giving ourselves the proper tools to function in a community. Mental health awareness gives us the recognition that our psychological well-being is an important aspect of our own general health. When we are healthy we are more productive and happy. It’s generally a win-win scenario. In order to understand more about the importance of this part of our physiology, let’s review some basic parameters.

What Is The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness?

Mental health awareness gives us an astute reminder that mental health is essential. People who live with mental health issues are absolutely deserving of care and compassion. That includes you if you are struggling with depression or another type of mental problem. There are pathways to hope, healing, recovery, and fulfillment.

What Are The 5 Signs I Should Seek Help for My Mental Health

While it can be difficult to boil down the specific signs of diminished mental health, experts tend to agree on the following symptoms as they relate to diminished mental health.
● Extreme paranoia, anxiety, or worrying.
● Sadness or irritability that lasts very long periods of time.
● Extreme mood changes.
● Social anxiety and withdrawal.
● Changes in weight and sleeping patterns.
If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it’s a great idea to reach out to
a counselor or therapist who specializes in addressing mental health matters.

How Do I Know If There’s a Decline In My Mental Health?

Beyond the list of symptoms that indicate diminished mental health, it’s important to truly ponder other indicators. For example, if you experience excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt, low mental health directly corresponds to these feelings. Moreover, withdrawal from friends and activities, when combined with low energy or problems sleeping are all essential to recognize on your path to wellness.

What Can Trigger Mental Illness?

Mental illness is not your fault. There are a number of factors that contribute to or that cause mental illness. These factors include genetics, environment, childhood trauma, major losses like losing a loved one or being in a car accident, and drugs and alcohol. Your brain is a sacred space. When these factors come into play, you can be the recipient of lowered mental health.

Mental health is not your fault but it is your responsibility. Take the next step in your mental health needs and contact the team of Susan Block, LMFT for your complimentary consultation.